Find your spot, navigate to it and avoid a parking ticket
No hassle parking; from free to paid; street to valet. Polis Assist has the most extensive street data of any technology available.
We have collected 85% of the street data in Los Angeles and are adding new areas all the time; New York City and San Francisco are coming soon!
Find out more
How it works

Some key features:

More FREE parking options than any other application
Filter parking based on cost, type and more
Check in and out of parking
No more fines. Set a warning so you know when your parking is about to expire
Find your car, no more time wasted looking for your parked car
Decipher complicated signs. Arrive at a spot and Polis will tell you if you can park there
So… can I park here?

Avoid having to decipher confusing parking signs
Simply tap the Check-in button and Polis Assist will let you know if you can park in your current spot
Uniquely designed to help you find your parking spot quickly and easily

Get your 12 minutes back!
Launching in New York soon!. Sign up to be notified.